One of the challenges with viewing construction drawings in digital format is the screen size. Fortunately, when you are at your desk its fairly easy to set up your workstation to take advantage of two monitors and spread things out a little. There are many ways that you can take advantage of the increased screen real-estate. This post will take a look at two of these.
If you have multiple monitors, you have probably already set them up as "extended display", or as "output to - extended display", as opposed to using the mirror screen mode. In short, the mirror screen mode (which many computers may default to without changing the settings) just shows the same thing on both monitors. The extended display mode is what you want to choose to really take advantage of the extra space. In most versions of Windows you can find this under the display settings, or just right-click on your desktop and choose "output to" then "extended display". If the monitors do not appear in the same order in which they are physically located, you can adjust this in the display settings without having to physically move your monitors.
One request I get fairly often is to use the two monitors as a single view and stretch the drawings across the two screens. This is easy, but you do have to keep a few things in mind. First, the two monitors must be the same size and resolution, and second, you must open Bluebeam REVU, stretch it out across the two screens first, then you can open your drawing file. After that you can also take advantage of Bluebeam's screen splitting features to easily view multiple PDF's across your new expanded workspace. This video from You Tube does a good job demonstrating this.
You may also just want to undock all of your tabs and panels and move them to one screen while your document file fills up the other screen. The easiest way to accomplish this is to use a profile setting. Bluebeam used to provide a Multiple Monitor Profile for download from the extensions section of their web site, but for some reason it's not there any more, so I have it available here on this site, just click here to jump to a download page. Once you download the file, just start Bluebeam REVU, select the VIEW menu and then click on the PROFILE icon. This opens a dialog box where you can select IMPORT and then navigate to the file to import it and install it as one of your available profiles.

This gives you two different ways to work with multiple monitors in Bluebeam. There are many additional ways you can continue to customize, so leave a comment if you want to share with others.